Can Bearded Dragons eat celery? Here’s what you need to know (2024)

As a Bearded Dragon enthusiast, you might be curious about adding celery to your pet’s diet. Celery is a widely recognized vegetable, renowned for its crunch and revitalizing taste. Its nutrient-dense composition, coupled with its low-calorie nature, has made it a staple in healthy diets. However, you may wonder, can bearded dragons have celery? Can bearded dragons eat celery leaves too? This informative article delves into the nutritional benefits of celery for bearded dragons while highlighting its potential drawbacks.

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Introduction: Can Bearded Dragons Eat Celery?

Can Bearded Dragons eat celery Introduction Can Bearded Dragons Eat Celery

For Bearded Dragon keepers, providing their pets with a wholesome diet is a top priority. As such, many may wonder, can bearded dragons eat celery sticks? These docile creatures are renowned for their ease of care, but ensuring they receive the proper nutrients is crucial for their well-being. So, can bearded dragons eat celery? In this blog post, I will delve into the nutritional aspects of celery for bearded dragons and provide you with the knowledge you need to determine whether it’s suitable for your pet.

Understanding Bearded Dragons and Their Diet

Can Bearded Dragons eat celery Understanding Bearded Dragons Their Diet

As a Bearded Dragon owner, it’s important to know that these creatures are omnivores, which means they require a balanced diet of plants and animals. While insects are their preferred source of protein in the wild, Bearded Dragons can also consume fruits, vegetables, and even small rodents. When it comes to their diet in captivity, variety is critical. A diverse selection of foods ensures they get all the necessary nutrients to thrive.

The Importance of a Balanced Diet for Your Bearded Dragon

The Importance of a Balanced Diet for Your Bearded Dragon

As a Bearded Dragon owner, you must provide a balanced diet to ensure the health and well-being of your pet. A lack of proper nutrients can cause various health problems or even death. Hence, it is crucial to offer your Bearded Dragon a diverse selection of foods to meet their nutritional needs. Feeding your pet a monotonous diet of one or two types of food is not recommended, as it can result in nutrient deficiencies that can impact their health.

Nutritional Value of Celery for Bearded Dragons

Can Bearded Dragons eat celery Nutritional Value of Celery for Bearded Dragons

Vitamins and Minerals Found in Celery

As a Bearded Dragon owner, it’s essential to understand the nutritional value of the food you’re feeding your pet. Celery is a fantastic source of vitamins and minerals for your Bearded Dragon’s health. Let’s take a closer look at the nutrients found in celery:

  • Vitamin A:

    This vitamin is abundant in celery and plays a crucial role in maintaining healthy eyesight and skin for your pet.

  • Vitamin C:

    Your pet’s immune system needs a boost, and vitamin C can help protect it from various diseases.

  • Vitamin K:

    Celery contains vitamin K, essential for blood clotting and bone health, ensuring your pet’s overall well-being.

  • Calcium:

    Bearded Dragons require calcium to maintain strong bones and teeth; celery is an excellent source of this essential mineral.

  • Phosphorus:

    Celery is also a good source of phosphorus, which is vital for maintaining healthy bones and teeth, providing your pet with the necessary nutrients for a healthy life.

How Celery Can Benefit Your Bearded Dragon’s Health

Can Bearded Dragons eat celery How Celery Can Benefit Your Bearded Dragons Health

As a Bearded Dragon owner, you may want to add celery to your pet’s diet. There are numerous benefits to incorporating this vegetable into your pet’s diet. Here are some of the ways that celery can benefit your pet:

  • Promotes Hydration:

    Celery can promote hydration since it’s a great source of water. Adequate hydration is vital to prevent dehydration and keep your pet healthy.

  • Helps with Digestion:

    Celery is high in fiber, which can help with your pet’s digestion. A properly functioning digestive system is essential for the overall health and well-being of your Bearded Dragon.

  • Supports Bone Health:

    Celery is a good source of calcium and phosphorus, essential for maintaining strong bones and teeth in your pet.

  • Boosts Immune System:

    Celery is rich in vitamin C, which can help boost your pet’s immune system and protect it from diseases. A strong immune system prevents illnesses and keeps your Bearded Dragon healthy.

Bearded Dragon Celery: Describe Pros And Cons

When it comes to feeding your Bearded Dragon celery, there are both pros and cons to consider.

  • Pros
  • Nutritious:

    Celery is packed with essential vitamins and minerals to benefit your pet’s health.

  • Hydrating:

    Celery contains a high water content, which is important for keeping your pet hydrated and preventing dehydration.

  • Low in Calories:

    Celery is a low-calorie food, making it an excellent choice for Bearded Dragons who need to lose or maintain a healthy weight.

  • Easy to Prepare:

    Preparing celery is simple and can be served either raw or cooked, depending on your pet’s preference.

  • Cons
  • High in Oxalates:

    Celery contains oxalates, which can bind to calcium and lead to calcium deficiencies if consumed in large amounts.

  • Low in Protein:

    Protein is an essential nutrient for Bearded Dragons, and celery is not a significant nutrient source.

  • Tough Texture:

    The tough texture of celery can make it difficult for Bearded Dragons to chew, especially if it needs to be cooked properly

Potential Risks of Feeding Celery to Bearded Dragons

Can Bearded Dragons eat celery Potential Risks of Feeding Celery to Bearded Dragons

In addition to the benefits of feeding celery to Bearded Dragons, there are also potential risks. Here are two potential risks to be aware of:

  • Digestive Issues Caused by Celery

    When feeding your Bearded Dragon celery, it’s essential to remember the high fiber content. While this can promote healthy digestion, overconsumption or a sudden increase in fiber intake can lead to digestive issues such as diarrhea, bloating, and gas. To avoid these problems, gradually introducing celery to your pet’s diet and monitoring their stool to ensure they digest it properly is best. If you notice any issues, it may be necessary to adjust the amount of celery you feed them or remove it from their diet.

Digestive Issues Caused by Celery
  • High Water Content in Celery

    Bearded Dragons require proper hydration to maintain their health, and celery can be a great water source. However, being cautious with the celery you give them is important, as too much water can lead to water retention and edema. Since Bearded Dragons are adapted to dry environments, it’s best to offer celery in moderation and always make sure they have access to fresh water. This way, your pet can stay hydrated without experiencing any adverse side effects.

High Water Content in Celery

How to Safely Feed Celery to Your Bearded Dragon

Can Bearded Dragons eat celery How to Safely Feed Celery to Your Bearded Dragon

Now that you know the benefits and potential risks of feeding celery to your Bearded Dragon, let’s discuss how to safely feed celery to your pet.

  • Preparing Celery for Your Bearded Dragon

When feeding celery to your Bearded Dragon, it’s important to prepare it properly. Here’s how:

  • Wash the celery thoroughly to remove any dirt or pesticides.

  • Cut the celery into small pieces about the size of your pet’s head.

  • Cook the celery to make it easier for your pet to digest. You can steam it, boil it, or bake it. Avoid adding any seasoning or spices.

  • Let the celery cool to room temperature before serving it to your pet.

How Much Celery Should You Feed Your Bearded Dragon?

Can Bearded Dragons eat celery How Much Celery Should You Feed Your Bearded Dragon

In the wild, Bearded Dragons eat various foods, and it’s important to replicate this in captivity to ensure they receive a balanced diet. While celery can be a nutritious addition to your pet’s diet, it should only be fed in moderation as a treat. As a general guideline, treats should make up at most 10% of your pet’s overall diet. When feeding celery, start with small amounts and observe your pet’s reaction. 

You can gradually increase the amount if they digest it well and enjoy it. Remember to also offer a variety of vegetables, fruits, and insects to provide your Bearded Dragon with a well-rounded diet.

Signs of Overfeeding Celery to Your Bearded Dragon

Can Bearded Dragons eat celery Signs of Overfeeding Celery to Your Bearded Dragon

While celery can benefit your Bearded Dragon when consumed in moderation, overfeeding can lead to health issues. Keep an eye out for these signs if you suspect your pet has been overfed celery:

  • Symptoms to Watch Out for
  • Diarrhea or loose stools

  • Bloating or gas

  • Loss of appetite

  • Dehydration

  • Lethargy or weakness

  • Weight gain

If you notice any of these symptoms, taking action immediately is crucial.

  • What to Do If Your Bearded Dragon Is Overfed on Celery

If you suspect that your Bearded Dragon has been overfed on celery, here are some steps to take:

  • Remove all celery from your pet’s diet for at least a week.

  • Offer your pet fresh water and a variety of other foods to promote healthy digestion.

  • Monitor your pet’s symptoms closely and consult a veterinarian if they do not improve.

  • Once your pet has fully recovered, gradually reintroduce celery into their diet in small amounts.

Remember that while celery can be a healthy addition to your pet’s diet, it should always be fed in moderation and balanced with a variety of other foods.

Alternatives to Celery in Your Bearded Dragon’s Diet

Can Bearded Dragons eat celery Alternatives to Celery in Your Bearded Dragons Diet

While celery can be a healthy treat in moderation, providing other options is essential to ensure your pet gets all the nutrients they need. Here are some nutritious alternatives to celery that you can add to your pet’s diet:

Other Vegetables & Fruits Your Bearded Dragon Can Eat


  • Bell peppers

  • Carrots

  • Squash

  • Broccoli

  • Collard greens

  • Kale

  • Spinach

  • Endive

  • Butternut squash

  • Sweet potatoes


  • Apples

  • Berries

  • Mango

  • Papaya

  • Kiwi

  • Melons

  • Grapes

  • Banana

  • Peach

  • Pear

Always wash and prepare fruits and vegetables properly before feeding them to your pet. You can also offer insects like crickets, mealworms, and dubia roaches as a source of protein.

Can Celery Be a Treat for Bearded Dragons?

Can Bearded Dragons eat celery Can Celery Be a Treat for Bearded Dragons

Celery can be an excellent treat for Bearded Dragons when fed in moderation. Here’s what you need to know:

  • When to Give Celery as a Treat

    When feeding Bearded Dragons, it’s essential to remember that celery should only be considered a treat, not a primary food source. Treats should make up at most 10% of their overall diet. It is safe to offer celery as a treat once or twice a week to keep your pet happy and healthy.

When to Give Celery as a Treat

How to Incorporate Celery into Your Bearded Dragon’s Diet as a Treat

Can Bearded Dragons eat celery How to Incorporate Celery into Your Bearded Dragons Diet as a Treat

Here are the steps to follow when incorporating celery into your Bearded Dragon’s diet as a treat:

  • Wash the celery thoroughly and cut it into small, bite-sized pieces.

  • Offer the celery as a treat in addition to your pet’s regular meals.

  • Monitor your pet’s intake and adjust accordingly. If your pet starts to show signs of overfeeding, reduce the amount of celery you give them or stop giving it altogether.

Remember that celery should not be the only treat you offer your pet. Providing a variety of treats and foods will help ensure they get all the nutrients they need.

How Often Should You Feed Your Bearded Dragon Celery?

Can Bearded Dragons eat celery How Often Should You Feed Your Bearded Dragon Celery

Celery can be a healthy addition to your Bearded Dragon’s diet when fed in moderation. Here’s what you need to know about how often you should feed your pet celery:

  • Frequency of Celery in Your Bearded Dragon’s Diet

    When it comes to feeding celery to your Bearded Dragon, it’s essential to keep it as a treat rather than a staple part of their diet. As a general rule of thumb, treats should only make up 10% of their overall diet, which means celery can be offered once or twice a week. However, it’s vital to provide your pet with various other foods, such as vegetables, fruits, and protein sources, to ensure they receive all the essential nutrients they need for a healthy life.

Frequency of Celery in Your Bearded Dragon’s Diet

Balancing Celery with Other Foods in Your Bearded Dragon’s Diet

Can Bearded Dragons eat celery Balancing Celery with Other Foods in Your Bearded Dragons Diet

To provide a balanced diet for your Bearded Dragon, it’s crucial to offer a variety of different foods. Vegetables should make up the majority of their diet, with fruits and protein sources offered in moderation. Some great vegetable options include bell peppers, carrots, squash, broccoli, collard greens, kale, spinach, endive, and butternut squash. At the same time, fruits like apples, berries, mango, and papaya can be given as treats.

Regarding protein sources, insects like crickets, mealworms, and dubia roaches are great options. Keep in mind that each Bearded Dragon is unique and may have different dietary requirements, so it’s important to consult with a veterinarian or reptile expert to determine the best diet for your pet.


In Conclusion, Bearded Dragons can certainly enjoy celery as a treat. However, it is recommended to not make it a major part of their diet. Celery can be a great source of vitamins and minerals, but it also contains a lot of water and can cause digestive issues if overfed.

When feeding your Bearded Dragon celery, clean it properly by washing it thoroughly and removing any tough or stringy parts. Offer bite-sized pieces, and watch your pet for any signs of digestive discomfort.

To guarantee that your Bearded Dragon receives a balanced diet, include a range of vegetables, fruits, and protein sources in their meals. Consider consulting with a veterinarian or reptile expert to determine the best diet for your pet.

In summary, when consumed in moderation, celery can be a nutritious addition to your Bearded Dragon’s diet. Always offer it as a treat and supplement it with other foods to ensure your pet receives all the essential nutrients they need to thrive.


Do bearded dragons eat celery?

As a part of a diverse diet that includes a variety of fruits, vegetables, and insects, bearded dragons are omnivores and can enjoy celery. The leaves and stems of celery can be fed to bearded dragons, but it should not make up a significant portion of their diet, as it is not a highly nutritious vegetable.

Celery is low in protein and calcium, essential for a bearded dragon’s growth and health. Although celery is high in fiber, which can lead to digestive issues if fed in excess, it can still be a part of their occasional treat.

It’s essential to wash the celery thoroughly to remove any pesticides or harmful chemicals before providing it to your bearded Dragon. It’s also best to chop the celery into small pieces to make it easier for them to eat and digest.

How often can bearded dragons eat celery?

Bearded dragons are omnivorous creatures, and while they can consume celery, it’s important to understand the frequency and amount that can be fed to them. Celery is a low-nutrient vegetable, and it should not be a staple in a bearded dragon’s diet. Instead, it can be offered occasionally as a treat, along with other nutritious vegetables such as kale, squash, or collard greens.

When feeding your bearded dragon celery, it’s best to limit it to once or twice a week and in small quantities. It’s important to chop the celery into small pieces to make it easier for them to eat and digest. While feeding celery leaves is okay, it’s crucial to avoid feeding leaves with wilted or yellowish spots, as they may indicate contamination or spoilage.

Along with celery, it’s essential to offer your bearded Dragon a diverse range of vegetables, fruits, and insects to provide them with a balanced diet. Some good options include bell peppers, carrots, apples, crickets, and mealworms. By offering a variety of foods, you can ensure your bearded Dragon is getting the necessary nutrients for their growth and health.

Can bearded dragons eat celery every day?

Bearded dragons are unique animals that require a balanced diet to thrive. While celery is safe for them, it should not be overfed, especially for baby bearded dragons. Celery is a low-nutrient vegetable that lacks the essential nutrients a bearded dragon needs for optimal health. Overfeeding celery to your bearded Dragon can cause digestive issues like bloating or diarrhea.

For baby bearded dragons, their diet should mainly consist of protein-rich insects like crickets or mealworms. Vegetables such as kale, collard greens, or squash can be offered in small amounts a few times a week. As your bearded Dragon grows, you can increase the number of vegetables they consume while reducing the amount of insects.

Maintaining a balanced diet that provides enough protein, calcium, and other nutrients your bearded dragon needs is crucial. Besides celery, other vegetables that can be included in their diet are carrots and other leafy greens. When preparing celery for your bearded Dragon, wash it thoroughly to remove any pesticides or harmful chemicals, and chop it into small pieces to make it easier for them to eat and digest.

What section of celery is safe for bearded dragons to consume?

Both the stems and leaves of celery are safe for bearded dragons to eat, but it’s crucial to avoid wilted or spoiled parts of the plant as they can cause digestive issues. When preparing celery for your bearded Dragon, it’s best to chop it into small pieces to make it easier for them to eat and digest. Bearded dragons, particularly baby dragons, have small digestive systems and may struggle with large chunks of food.

While celery is safe for bearded dragons to consume, it’s essential to remember that it should not make up a significant portion of their diet. As a low-nutrient vegetable, it should only be offered occasionally as a treat, along with other nutrient-rich foods like kale, squash, or collard greens.

Although celery leaves contain some vitamins and minerals, they don’t provide sufficient nutrients to support a bearded dragon’s body. When considering what foods to give your bearded Dragon, it’s essential to provide a balanced diet that includes protein-rich insects, such as crickets or mealworms, as well as a variety of vegetables and fruits.

It’s important to note that feeding celery to your bearded Dragon’s body may not benefit you significantly. Celery may have some fiber but lacks the essential nutrients required for a balanced diet. Therefore, be sure to offer celery to your bearded Dragon’s diet in moderation.

Can bearded dragons eat celery leaves?

Bearded dragons can safely consume celery leaves and stems as long as they are fresh and prepared correctly. However, avoiding any wilted or spoiled parts of the plant is crucial, as they can cause digestive issues. To make it easier for your bearded Dragon to eat and digest, chop the celery leaves into small pieces.

Although bearded dragons can eat celery leaves, it’s important to remember that celery should not make up a significant portion of their diet. As a low-nutrient vegetable, it should be offered occasionally as a treat along with other nutrient-rich foods.

When preparing celery for your bearded Dragon, wash it thoroughly to remove any harmful chemicals or pesticides that may be present. Chopping the celery into small pieces is also a good idea to prevent choking and make eating more accessible for your bearded Dragon.

It’s worth noting that while celery isn’t perfect for a bearded dragon’s diet, it’s a safe option to offer occasionally. Additionally, bearded dragons’ teeth are not designed for grinding food, so it’s essential to chop any vegetables or fruits into small, manageable pieces.

Can bearded dragons eat celery greens?

Bearded dragons can indeed eat celery greens as part of a balanced diet that includes protein-rich insects, a variety of vegetables, and fruits. Celery is a low-calorie vegetable with nutrients like fiber, vitamin K, and vitamin C, which offer some health benefits for your bearded Dragon.

When you prepare celery greens for your bearded Dragon, ensure you remove any wilted or spoiled parts and wash them thoroughly to get rid of any harmful chemicals or pesticides that may be present. Chop the celery greens into small pieces to make it easier for your bearded Dragon to eat and digest.

As a low-nutrient vegetable, celery should be offered occasionally as a treat and not make up a significant part of your bearded Dragon’s diet. Adult bearded dragons may be offered celery once a week, while baby bearded dragons should consume more protein-rich insects like crickets or mealworms to support their growth and development.

If you’re looking to offer your bearded Dragon a new vegetable, you can try carrots, a good source of vitamin A essential for healthy skin and eyesight. Remember to wash the carrots thoroughly and chop them into small pieces before feeding them to your bearded Dragon.

While some bearded dragons love eating celery, it’s essential to offer organic celery and ensure it doesn’t replace critical components in their diet. Bearded dragons may eat celery and other foods, but a balanced diet that meets their nutritional needs should always be the priority.

Can bearded dragons eat celery sticks?

Bearded dragons can safely eat celery sticks as part of a balanced diet. While celery is low in calories, it is high in fiber, vitamins, and minerals that can benefit your bearded Dragon’s health. However, it’s important to remember that celery should not make up a significant portion of their diet and should only be offered occasionally as a treat.

When preparing celery for your bearded Dragon, it’s important to wash the stalks thoroughly to remove any dirt or pesticides. It would be best if you also chopped the celery into small pieces to make it easier for your bearded Dragon to eat and digest. It’s worth noting that the leaves of the celery plant should not be fed to your bearded Dragon, as they contain high levels of oxalates that can bind with calcium and cause health issues.

To ensure your bearded Dragon is getting a balanced diet, you should offer a variety of other vegetables and fruits, as well as protein-rich insects like crickets or mealworms. While it may be tempting to feed them celery frequently, feeding too much celery can cause digestive issues for your beardie. So, remember to feed them celery in moderation and offer a varied diet to keep them healthy.

Can baby bearded dragons eat celery?

Although celery is safe for baby bearded dragons, it should be fed in moderation and as part of a balanced diet. Celery stalks are a nutritious vegetable that can provide essential vitamins and minerals for your baby bearded dragon.

When preparing celery for your baby bearded Dragon, wash the stalks thoroughly and chop them into small pieces to make it easier for them to eat and digest. Bearded dragons have tiny throats, so it’s crucial to chop the celery into small pieces.

A baby bearded dragon’s diet should consist of 80% protein-rich insects and 20% vegetables and fruits. While celery can be a part of their diet, it should not make up a significant portion. Feeding too much celery to a baby bearded dragon can lead to digestive issues and diarrhea.

It’s also important to remember that baby bearded dragons should only be fed raw celery. Cooked celery can be difficult for them to digest and may harm your bearded Dragon’s health. When providing celery, always remove any leaves from the celery stalks, as the leaves contain high levels of oxalates that can bind with calcium and cause health issues.

Can baby bearded dragons eat celery leaves?

Feeding celery leaves to baby bearded dragons is generally not advisable due to their high oxalate content, which can interfere with calcium absorption and lead to health problems. However, celery stalks are a suitable and nutritious option for your bearded Dragon’s diet, as they provide hydration and fiber.

To ensure that your baby bearded Dragon receives a balanced diet, it’s important to provide them with 80% protein-rich insects and 20% fruits and vegetables low in oxalates and calcium. Additionally, it’s crucial to maintain a proper calcium-to-phosphorus ratio to avoid health complications.

If you’re considering adding celery to your bearded Dragon’s diet, feed them only the stalks, not the leaves. To prepare the celery, wash the stalks thoroughly, remove dirt or pesticides, and chop them into small pieces to aid digestion. Keep in mind that celery can be a good addition to your bearded Dragon’s diet when fed in moderation and with other nutritious food options. By considering the nutritional value of bearded dragons, you can help maintain the health and well-being of your beloved pet.

What other vegetables can be included in the diet of bearded dragons along with celery?

A balanced diet is essential for ensuring that pet bearded dragons thrive. This diet should consist of protein-rich insects and a variety of nutritious vegetables and fruits for bearded dragons. While celery has a low oxalate content, many other vegetables can be included in your bearded Dragon’s diet. Here are some options for adding roots to your bearded Dragon’s meals:

Leafy Greens: Collard greens, mustard greens, turnip greens, and dandelion greens are excellent sources of calcium and other vital nutrients. They are also low in oxalates, making them a safe choice for your bearded Dragon.

Squash: Butternut and acorn squash are good vitamin A and C sources. They can be served cooked or raw, but removing the seeds and skin is crucial.

Bell Peppers: Red, green, and yellow bell peppers are all safe for bearded dragons to eat. They are a good source of vitamin C and can be served raw or cooked.

Carrots: Carrots are high in vitamin A and can be served raw or cooked. To make them more accessible for your bearded Dragon to eat, they should be grated or chopped into small pieces.

Green Beans: Green beans are a good source of fiber and can be served cooked or raw. They should be chopped into small pieces before serving.

Sweet Potato: Sweet potatoes are a good source of vitamins A and C. They can be served cooked or raw, but removing and chopping the skin into small pieces is important.

Remember to offer various options when feeding vegetables to your bearded Dragon. This will help ensure they are getting all the nutrients they need. Additionally, while these options are suitable for adult bearded dragons, baby bearded dragons require more protein-rich insects in their diet. Always wash and prepare the vegetables before serving them to your pet bearded Dragon.

Does Celery Benefit Bearded Dragons and Other Reptiles?

Bearded dragons can benefit from including celery in their diet as it is a nutritious vegetable containing vitamins A, C, and K, calcium, and potassium. However, it’s important to note that celery should not be the only vegetable in their diet. A variety of other nutritious vegetables, fruits, and insects should also be offered to meet their dietary needs.

When feeding celery to your bearded Dragon, washing it thoroughly to remove any dirt or pesticides is crucial. You can chop it into small pieces and offer it raw or cooked, but remember to provide the stalks and leaves for the most complete nutritional value.
It’s recommended to wait until your baby bearded Dragon is a few months old before introducing celery to their diet. This is because young bearded dragons require more protein from vegetables than adults. Once they are old enough, you can offer small amounts of chopped celery and other vegetables and insects.

While celery is a nutritious food that can provide important nutrients for your bearded Dragon, it’s crucial to remember that it should only be a part of their diet. Offering a variety of vegetables, fruits, and insects is necessary to prevent your Dragon from becoming malnourished. Other vegetables, such as carrots, can also be a great addition to the food they eat. By ensuring your pet bearded Dragon has a balanced and varied diet, you can ensure they thrive and remain healthy. It’s evident that celery is excellent for bearded dragons, but it should be given in moderation as a part of their overall diet.

Henry Sprung

Henry Sprung

Senior Editor at

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